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Aimster File Sharing Application Introduced

Aimster, a small company in upstate New York, has released a new file sharing application. Aimster is the first application to integrate with AOL's instant messenger software.

The application is designed to allow its users to search for files in a more secure environment. According to the applications creators, while your computer can only be connected to by a buddy, an outbound search command go through all Gnutella files and your buddy's files.

"Aimster brings together two of the most powerful Internet applications out there today," said Mr. Deep. "The combination of file-sharing and instant messaging allows people to create their own instant private networks."

Aimster is available for free download at http://www.aimster.com, and since its release yesterday over 2000 copies have been downloaded. In the future Aimster would like to create revenue by developing premium private file sharing networks for branding by their potential partners. In addition, Aimster can provide a secure file-sharing network for corporations with different locations that requires no administration.

So far the response has been larger then expected by the Company. With virtually no advertising whatsoever, the company has had more then 2000 copies of their software downloaded in 20 hours. They have noticed that entire buddy lists are being populated.

The name of the application is not a reference to the infamous Napster, according to the company spokesman Johnny Deep. The application is intended to compliment Napster not compete with it, as files found on Napster or similar applications can then be shared in a secure environment.

Aimster is not predicting any legal issues with their software. The software is primarily designed to allow friends and family to share music and files, and they believe it is in compliance with the American Home Recording Act. Aimster doesn't believe that AOL is aware of the fact that their software integrates with Instant Messenger.

"I don't expect any backlash," stated Deep, "It's hard to see that we're doing anything wrong."

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