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Eveo Launches Talent Incubation Program

Eveo (http://www.eveo.com), a user-generated online video site, has launched a Talent Incubation and Management Program, which provides talent development and management services to emerging filmmakers. One of the primary goals of the program is to assist filmmakers with the transition to other mediums and formats of filmed entertainment. Danielle Knight has joined Eveo to head the program, as Senior Director of Talent and Business Affairs.

According to Knight, Eveo realized that they were the first point of contact for numerous talented, new filmmakers. The company decided to move the relationship further with the creation of this program. The program will be divided into two aspects- the evolution of talent and talent management.

Occasionally, Eveo will provide limited funding to artists during the incubation stage; however, the program's primary objective is not to fund new projects. The Program is also aligned with a number of Hollywood's talent agencies, as well as music video and commercial production houses. Eveo will be promoting their directors to these agencies and production houses, in order to generate paid directing assignments.

Some other advantages that filmmakers selected for the Incubation program will receive are special theater screenings of their work, a dedicated channel on the Eveo site, and submission of their films to worldwide festivals. "Every filmmakers that we've spoken with so far has been really excited and receptive," stated Knight.

Eveo is attempting to create a "family" like atmosphere amongst its filmmakers, and therefore has what Knight describes as a rather lenient rights structure. According to Knight, Eveo initially purchases only the film's Internet distribution rights for a period of six months, and the filmmaker is allowed to cancel the contract renewal 30 days before the six-month period ends. For some more compelling films, Eveo purchases the rights to online and offline distribution for a period of 5 years.

The talent incubation program will be run out of the Los Angeles office.

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