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DRM Solutions: Who Holds The Keys To The Future of Streaming Media

Using OpenMG X Sony, much like Microsoft, intends to create an ecosystem that creates trusted relationships based upon the use of Sony blessed platforms including PDA’s, PC’s, Phones and all sorts of cool thingies that Sony has become legendary for.It’s not clear to this author what DRM technology Sony will ultimately develop and deploy in the Sony VAIO line of PC’s, the Palm-based Sony PDA’s and the Sony Ericsson line of cell phones.

Given that each of these platforms utilizes a different OS, Sony will have a lot of work cut out for them in unifying their trusted platform approach in deploying DRM throughout the fabric of their product line. They may look to the Real MCS architecture as a baseline to build upon and structure OpenMG X to support the MCS calls. It’s very clear Sony will continue to sue Microsoft via InterTrust in the hopes they can slow down the Redmond giant’s market momentum in time for their product to roll out. What’s not clear is the effect this lawsuit will have on the marketplace.

Currently Apple users are, for the most part, left out in the cold when it comes to secure digital media with limited support for WMT DRM on the MAC and according to Real’s site if your looking for Helix support on anything other than a PC "contact RealNetworks regarding support for other platforms."

Sure the iPod support’s MP3’s but if you didn’t get the memo, they are illegal and at some point before the RIAA sues Apple along with all of it’s competitors for supporting piracy, Jobs is going to jump on the MPEG4 bandwagon and as a founding member of ISMA will roll out whatever standard the group agrees on.

Look for Apple to be the DRM provider for any and all content that originates from the soon to be media companies branded websites. For further information, reference Real’s migration to a media company via RealOne.

Not to leave out the Macintosh crowd, the Apple/Universal rumor is fresh news and although it’s tough one for me to call it merits attention as it’s a clear trend I have been predicting for quite some time. Should it take place it will adversely impact nearly 4 years of solid growth for Universal Music’s New Media groups.

For example, 95% of the traffic to Eminem.com is via PC’s using IE. 75% of these users then select Windows Media over Real Media. Should for some reason Apple upset this pattern by forcing users to use QuickTime or some new variant, Interscope could lose their entire web audience which is rumored to one of the largest on the Internet.

Similarly the company that makes Eminem’s Fan Club application called a DeskSite is on track to deliver nearly 1M downloads of their product this quarter to authenticated purchasers of the new 8 Mile soundtrack by Eminem. Purchasers of the CD have the option to take a CD code from the CD and input it on the PC of their choice to enable their DeskSite installation to receive pushed content from Eminem.

This innovation which strengthens the tie between CD consumption and the use of Streaming Media on the PC is a sure winner that stands to lose every single user if Apple forces QuickTime or Apple products upon Eminem Fans. No support for Macintosh is provided interestingly enough.

Next Page: The Upside Of It All

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