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AOL Debuts Ad Solution for Publishers, One by AOL: Publishers

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AOL launched the next stage of its One by AOL advertising solution today with the debut of One by AOL: Publishers. The company introduced One by AOL in April 2015 as a way for advertisers and marketers to simplify their video and display programmatic advertising buys and measure campaign goals using one unified interface. This expansion creates a modular suite of products for publishers, letting them monetize their videos and pages while monitoring audience engagement, analytics, and content distribution.

Since One by AOL: Publishers is integrated with the One by AOL buying platform, it offers a seamless ad selling experience, the company says. Publishers are able to maintain close relationships with ad buyers across Fortune 500 brands, agencies, trading desks, and third-party demand sources.

By creating a unified solution, AOL's goal was to simplify the number of platforms and partners needed by publishers. The average publisher users four different supply-side platforms to sell inventory gets less than 50 percent of the amount advertisers are willing to pay due to the number of intermediaries, AOL says.

The suite includes tools for selling video inventory and selling within mobile apps, something that's time-intensive and requires multiple resources to pull off, AOL notes. AOL has also integrated the AOL On Network, Vidible, and Be On into a new video solution for publishers that reaches desktop, mobile, and over-the-top viewers. Using this player, publishers can view audience and performance metrics, while monitoring viewability, ad-blocking, and non-human traffic. 

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