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Video Will Be Even More Crucial to Corporate Culture in 2021

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2020 was the year many organizations survived, because of video. Without it, they simply could not have held their teams together and kept collaboration going. Remote work, corporate culture, and frankly sustainability, depends on video.

#1 – Enterprises Will Embrace ‘Work from Wherever’

2021, will be a year of tremendous innovation and productivity gains. A new breed of video-first enterprises will go completely remote having experienced the productivity and employee satisfaction gains of ‘work from wherever.’ And those that can’t go 100% virtual will offer some type of hybrid work environment long term. Large tech enterprises like Twitter already made this decision in May of 2020. Our own company announced this month a global shift to ‘work from wherever, forever.’ Although these types of moves require employee consultation, feedback, and changes in how you handle work from home environments and technologies, we have found it to be a positive move for our employees, our customers and our business.

#2 – Hybrid Video Options Will Ensure Flexibility

Enterprises must recognize that employee and customer communications in 2021 will never back to the way it was before the pandemic. I predict that all hands meetings and other events that used to be 100% on site now will always have a hybrid component providing live video for viewers anywhere and video on demand (VOD) anytime those who travel, those in vastly different time zones, or those with other commitments at work or home.

#3 – Video Content Management Will Drive Value

Last, there will be a tremendous surge in video creation and sharing at all levels, driving the need to better manage all that video content. I predict that the companies that leverage their video content the best will improve revenues and profits faster than their peers. 2021 will be the year that video content management moves from a nice-to-have to an absolute must-have and it will drive value in the business more than ever before.


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