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Sovee: View From the Top 2014

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This has been a year of epiphanies for product marketers who have come to Sovee for video translation.

First came the revelation that by 2016, the entire world is projected to be connected by Internet. BCG reports that the resulting user base will offer a $4.2 trillion growth opportunity for the Internet Economy.

Then came the realization that the blue oceans of opportunity for video marketing will be far smaller in the U.S. than in developing economies around the world.

Even now, 80% of YouTube traffic already comes from outside the U.S. with YouTube video content now available in 61 languages.

The final factor was a study by the Common Sense Advisory that identified 10 countries ripe for online marketing. Each of these countries was chosen for its large population and large economy, with ample purchasing power: China, Spain, Germany, France, Indonesia, Japan, Brazil, Russia, Egypt, Turkey.

The research shows that 75% of consumers in these nations want to see information in their own language before they will part with their yuan, pesatas, yen or euros to make a purchase.

At Sovee, we have seen increases in demand for video translation to Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and Arabic, as well as an overall increase in the number of languages requested for translation.

Most importantly, our Smart Engine video translation makes sure that when Pro Golfer Jack Nicklaus wants to reach a Japanese audience with video, the translation is as flawless as his golf swing. And when high energy brand Limu shares exciting video, the translated terms sound true to the company’s brand and image.

Where can Sovee take your video with translation? Anywhere in the emerging $4.2 trillion growth market that you want to go.

Visit us at sovee.com.




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