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QUMU - Executive Predictions for 2018

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As remote workforces, distributed teams, user generated content (UGC) and the use of mobile devices continue to become the norm and not the exception, enterprise video platforms will move from an afterthought in the corporate technology stack to the true communication backbone of the organization. Any company looking to do business globally will need to give strong consideration to both live and on demand video as primary methods of communication—which makes the enterprise video platform a critically important investment not only for internal communication, but for overall revenue growth as well.

What I also see coming for 2018 and 2019 is the carryover of a consumer video trend to the enterprise. On the consumer side there has been a significant movement toward cutting the cord, or walking away from cable or satellite television and subscribing to internet-based streaming services instead. As organizations continue to invest in IT infrastructure, the forward-thinking ones will actively seek technologies that support the creation, editing, storage, tagging and distribution of video by anyone in the organization—essentially “cutting the cord” with legacy or proprietary platforms that offer nothing more than the hosting and viewing of unstructured video content.

Related to this trend will be the increasing importance of “platform extensibility.” Enterprises with complex video environments are already recognizing the need to manage a multiplying number of video sources and destinations, as well as the requirement to integrate with third-party collaboration and Unified Communication technologies. A software platform in a corporate environment must have the ability to grow with the organization, and open APIs make video platforms easier for third party developers to add extensions. Without the recognition of extensibility as a key component in an enterprise video platform, organizations have no hope of creating the true “digital workplace” so many of them are seeking.

Vern Hanzlik


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