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Online Video Industry Forecast 2012: PeerApp

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[This sponsored article appears in the December 2011/January 2012 issue of Streaming Media magazine.]

In 2011, the Internet advanced toward becoming the de facto broadcast network for multimedia entertainment and information. Netflix streaming service grew to tier 1 subscriber scale, while Amazon, Apple, Google and even film studios all established beachheads in over-the-top content delivery.

This is an exciting time for content providers and consumers, but it's an unsettling time for network operators who face the dual threat of dwindling content revenues and a growing network traffic burden. The content delivery ecosystem has become unbalanced. Operator CDNs, often seen as the antidote, can only address a fraction of the problem. PeerApp is at the front lines of balancing the content delivery ecosystem. Our UltraBand transparent caching system is being used to take control of all OTT content by over 200 operators around the world. By serving content from the network edge, we help operators improve quality to consumers while reducing the expense of keeping up with consumer demand.

In 2012 we'll see more network operators take a strategic approach to content delivery - not only by optimizing their networks, but also by looking for ways to provide tangible new value to consumers and content providers. At PeerApp we will innovate on multiple fronts: providing edge caching as a first step to operator CDNs, enabling unique over the top delivery analytics, and enabling high quality content delivery without excessive network expansion.

This is clearly a time of transformation for our industry. PeerApp is excited to be playing a leading role.

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