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Industry Perspectives: Internet TV Ready for Prime Time?

One of the primary challenges facing internet TV, however, is the lack of ability to search, find, and consume content. Once this hurdle is overcome, there is truly no limit to how ubiquitous the killer application can grow to become.

Internet Television of Tomorrow
No one really knows just how far internet TV’s popularity and utility will evolve in terms of sales, marketing, training, entertainment, and social-networking applications. One thing is certain, however. The future looks very, very bright and the best is truly yet to come. Over the coming months and years you will see internet TV grow into a much more mature, fully functional, intelligent medium that will undoubtedly challenge traditional video programming for viewers, dollars and overall utility.

Internet TV itself will become more sophisticated in terms of matching subject matter with interested target audiences. You will see internet TV begin to better support search engine optimization (SEO) with meta tagging, semantic indexing and other technologies. This will make video more relevant to users and therefore drive more demand.

Fortunately, with the evolution of IPTV, we are also seeing a rise in the sophistication of today’s IPTV service providers. There are a number of niche players that offer specific programming services, and the landscape is ever-growing. Those providers that can offer comprehensive broadcasting, editing, advertising, and programming capabilities for both end-users and service providers alike to broadcast, publish, and consume this online dynamic content are the ones that stand to best meet the needs of all users.

There is little doubt that IPTV is a medium with limitless potential that we have only just begun to explore. However, there is also little doubt it will soon evolve into a medium that can challenge traditional video broadcasting for sales, marketing, entertainment, educational and social-networking audiences and dollars.

Like the initial iterations of radio, traditional TV, and the internet, internet TV too is a significant evolution in the realm of content distribution that stands to again change the world we live in, forever.

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