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Introducing Pnnny: The Video Platform Freeing High-Quality Content From the Constraining Power of Ads and Subscriptions

Sitting between YouTube and Netflix, the curated Pnnny platform lets serious creators and owners monetize high-quality video content without ads, subscriptions, or third parties

Los Angeles, CA.(26 Sep 2018)

(Los Angeles, California) - Pnnny, a digital video company headquartered in Los Angeles, California, is announcing today the private beta launch of its ad-free, no-subscription video platform. Now available at, Pnnny is a first of its kind platform that lets serious content creators easily upload high production value HD video content, which viewers then consume via a unique pay-as-you-go monetization model.

 Pnnny is establishing a curated space for owners and creators of high-quality video content who are frustrated with the monetization issues of YouTube and other ad-supported platforms, but are not a good match for subscription-based services like Netflix and Hulu, or platforms that offer a transactional content monetization model (for example: $3.99 to view a show or movie for a period of time).

 With YouTube and other ad revenue-supported platforms (AVOD), owners and creators of content are effectively beholden to advertisers and, while these platforms are currently attempting to offer other monetization avenues (YouTube Red), these strategies are, in effect, recurring monthly subscriptions like those found on other paid streaming services. Pnnny has zero advertisements.

 A major shortcoming of subscription-based services (SVOD) is that they most-often require exclusive rights to content while paying owners and creators low fees for those rights. This limits where the video can reside which restricts the owner or creator’s ability to monetize their content in other ways. Pnnny does not require exclusive rights to content or subscriptions of any kind.

 Finally, with transactional-based platforms (TVOD) there is a significant barrier of entry for viewers in the form of the requirement that they pay a set cost upfront before being able to determine whether the content is truly of interest to them. Whether they watch the first few minutes or the entire program, the price remains static. This leaves many movies, shows, and other content–particularly older and/or niche videos–sitting on the virtual shelf unwatched and, therefore, unmonetized. With Pnnny, viewers pay for only the actual amount of content they consume, which encourages browsing. By eliminating the purchase decision, the friction is lowered which allows people to discover catalog titles and offbeat video content that was previously considered too difficult to monetize elsewhere.

 Pnnny differs from these existing video platforms in that, as opposed to monetizing content via ad revenue, recurring subscriptions, or one-time transactions, viewers simply pre-purchase credits that are then debited from their account based on the length of time they spend consuming content on the platform, irrespective of what particular content is being watched. This transparent monetization model, which Pnnny has coined as Pay-as-you-go Video On Demand (PVOD), has the potential to disrupt the world of online video content and entertainment in several ways: 

  • No more ads

    • Content creators are no longer beholden to the advertisers who financially support YouTube. This means they no longer have to wonder whether the content of their videos will affect their ability to generate ad revenue

    • Viewers will never have to sit through annoying ads before or during the videos they watch

    • Enhanced privacy. Because Pnnny carries no advertising, it will never sell user data to third parties for any reason

  • No more subscriptions

    • Owners and creators no longer need to surrender the rights to their content for it to reside on the platform

    • Viewers only pay for the exact amount of content they actually watch

    • Avoids “subscription fatigue.” Viewers are generally only willing to commit to so many online subscription services, the existing market of which is already vastly oversaturated. Pnnny sidesteps this issue by requiring no subscription commitment and only charging for the actual content being watched.

  • Manual curation

    • Ensures only high production value content resides on the site

    • Serious creators’ videos aren’t hidden among a plethora of amateur cell phone videos and other low-quality content

    • Viewers are given access to an elevated level of content

  • Transparent monetization

    • As viewers consume content, Pnnny automatically debits their account and pays five cents per hour of video streamed to the owner or creator of whatever content is watched.

“When you look at the current VOD landscape you generally find good content on ad-supported platforms like YouTube but it’s often under-monetized,” says Matt Cooper, the Co-founder and CEO of Pnnny. “Additionally, the content acquired or produced by the top streaming services like Netflix and Hulu tend to be bigger budget titles, making the barrier of entry too high for most filmmakers and independent content creators. Unfortunately, there’s still a considerable amount of great content that’s being terribly underrepresented. Whether it’s a quality YouTube show or an under-the-radar indie film, the current landscape is tough for the content in the middle. We built Pnnny to serve as the home for these types of content. However, a new business model was needed. Pay-as-you-go encourages people to check out a video they might otherwise shy away from because they only pay for what they actually consume–even if it’s just a minute or two of a film or show. This creates far lower purchase friction than transactional models while keeping payouts higher than subscription models. Pnnny is a self-serve platform, creators can fully manage their streaming offerings and earnings. We hope this type of open marketplace will foster an environment where content creators and owners can thrive by posting quality shows, shorts, and films.”

With the solidification of streaming media as the go-to route for video content, the space is prime for a clear and honest answer to the growing issues surrounding content monetization. Pnnny is that answer. By providing a fair solution that benefits both the owners and viewers of high-quality video content, Pnnny is creating a much-needed space in the world of streaming video.

No ads, no subscriptions, great content. Watch the best videos for pennies at Pnnny.

About Pnnny

Pnnny is an ad-free digital video company headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Pnnny has created a first of its kind video platform that lets serious content creators easily upload high-production value HD video content, which viewers then consume via a transparent pay-as-you-go monetization model. This allows Pnnny to operate entirely ad-free and without requiring user subscriptions of any kind. Pnnny is the simple and honest solution to today’s content monetization problems. For more information or to sign up for an account, please visit