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Cedexis Radar Upgrade Simplifies Cloud Performance Comparisons and SLA Compliance Monitoring

Upgraded reporting and data granularity enable unprecedented website and mobile app performance analysis, inclusive of cloud and CDN performance impact on end-user experience

Portland, OR(10 Sep 2013)

Cedexis, the leading provider of cloud and mobile app performance benchmarking and optimization across clouds, data centers and content delivery networks (CDNs), today announced significant upgrades to its groundbreaking Radar service. Radar upgrades, announced today, provide significant new data sets and Portal Reports to further enable IT professionals with the independent data they need to, initially and continuously, evaluate and select the clouds, cloud regions and CDN platforms that will best serve their end-user audiences.  

The Cedexis Radar community is a crowd-source collaboration, composed of 80+ clouds and CDNs, and 100s of leading enterprises, with the primary focus of providing objective visibility into the end-user performance provided by their clouds, CDNs and private data centers.  The Radar community distinguishes itself through the real-time collection of real end-user website and mobile application performance measurements, not virtual or synthetic agents, from over 230 countries and 100s of millions of real end users, every day.  

“At Michelin it is our requirement to provide a consistent, high-quality, web experience, defined as end-user observed page-load times, for all of our users throughout the globe.  We have adopted a best practice of utilizing multiple cloud/CDN platforms to achieve this goal and Cedexis Radar provides us the objective performance data needed for our real-time, data-driven, traffic management between platforms, to optimize performance and avoid outages and congestion,” said Laurent Souloumiac, Head of Digital Operations at Michelin.

Operating since 2009, and emerging as a global best practice for cloud/CDN benchmarking, the latest Cedexis Radar upgrade includes new interactivity, increased data granularity, and automated alerting; all meant to provide IT professionals with more visibility into how they serve, and insight into how they can improve, their end-users’ experiences.  

New Featured Capabilities:

End-User-Performance Intelligence

  • • See timeline trending of both the volumes, and geographic distribution, of website and mobile app audiences
  • • View the page load times (PLT) being delivered to end users by geography, traffic type, browser type, device OS, serving ISP….
  • • Observe the time-based trending of page load times (PLT) across the globe, or within specific countries, for correlation to announcements and campaigns

Cloud and CDN Platform Comparisons

  • • Assess the real-end-user experience impact of website and mobile app modifications through detailed page-load-time analysis of the latest Navigation Timing metrics
  • • Visually compare the performance of existing cloud and CDN platform providers with platforms under consideration, across a range of performance metrics
  • • Assess, in real time, the end-user experience impact of cloud and CDN configuration changes
  • • Leverage increased granularity of real-end-user measurements (RUM) for comparing and assessing cloud and CDN performance, using 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, median, and standard deviation 

Cloud and CDN SLA Compliance

  • • Comparative measurement of availability, latency, and throughput performance between an enterprise’s origin server(s) and their cloud/CDN delivered content, as seen by real end users
  • • In-depth granularity of comparative measurements: globally, by region, by country and by end-user-serving ISP network
  • • Detailed segmentation of page-load-time data by Navigation Timing standard intervals, to allow isolation of cloud/CDN factors
  • • Automated performance alerts, on a wide range of performance metrics, to keep IT professionals informed about their cloud and CDN partners’ performance, relative to SLAs
  • • All monitoring and alerts provided with the added context of peer-provider performance, to help identify provider-specific issues

“As cloud and CDN adoption continues to accelerate, enterprise IT professionals need objective third-party data to make increasingly strategic cloud/CDN vendor and cloud region purchasing decisions.  This latest upgrade of the Radar service provides IT decision makers with a much more detailed view of their existing and potential providers, and puts this information a tap or click away for quick decision support,” said Robert Malnati, VP Marketing of Cedexis.  

 About Cedexis 

Founded in 2009, Cedexis optimizes web performance across clouds, data centers and content delivery networks (CDNs) for companies that want to ensure 100% availability and extend their reach to new global markets. With Cedexis, companies can comparatively assess worldwide cloud and CDN performance and availability to make informed vendor selection and costs-and-performance trade offs. Cedexis also provides automation for optimized load balancing traffic across clouds, data centers and CDNs to dynamically match the best-performing resource with local demand. Cedexis is headquartered in Portland, Oregon and Paris, France with offices in San Francisco, CA, Chicago, IL and London, UK, and sales representatives in Germany, Japan, Israel and Brazil.