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Biographical Information

Jo Kent

Jo Kent has lived in France and Hong Kong and currently resides in Singapore. She focuses on stories from Asia with a technological twist.

Articles for Jo Kent

Singapore Armed Forces' Streaming Plan of Attack

Singapore takes its armed forces seriously. The city-state is neighbor to Malaysia to the north, with a population of 21.8 million; and Indonesia to the south, with a population of 225 million. In stark contrast, Singapore has a population of just 4.1 million. Although Singapore has a friendly relationship with its neighbors, the numbers nevertheless speak for themselves.

Enough Globally, More Locally

Upstart streaming sites are attempting to fill the void of local Asian streaming content by partnering with broadband service providers.

Singapore: Island in the Stream

With one of the most advanced broadband infrastructures in the world and the highest number of Internet users in Asia, Singapore is poised to be a streaming Shangri-la. Contributor Jo Kent gives us a tour of the wired island, where opportunities abound.