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Hybrid Model Will Take Hold in Enterprise, Education, and Events

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It's been quite the year for the enterprise video industry, as COVID-19 has forever changed educational and corporate landscapes. Our industry saw a decade’s worth of change happen in a matter of months, as schools and organizations were catapulted into this new video-first world.

We saw the amazing potential streaming video has in keeping people connected, removing geographic barriers and allowing businesses to not only continue to operate, but to grow.

With a vaccine and a post-COVID world slowly coming into view, we strongly believe that video communications is here to stay especially in education, business, and the meetings and events industry.

Our prediction for these industries is that they’ll adopt a hybrid model. For education, some students will be in seats and others will be watching online, but everyone will be able to collaborate despite distance. Our work to create integrations with widely used collaborative tools like Zoom allowed instructors to turn conference calls into valuable study tools in a central and secure virtual information hub – Mediasite.

In the corporate world, video will continue to be a conduit for keeping employees trained and communicating from their home offices, even as they start to return to work.

For the events industry, now that people realize that virtual events extend beyond geographic borders and are extremely effective at reaching global audiences in real-time, there will always be a virtual component.

This new year won’t be easy, and things will not return to “normal” as soon as we would like. We are all collectively creating the new normal together, and that is incredibly exciting.


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