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Remote Recording Options for Pro Podcasters

Emmy Award-winning producer Ben Ratner walks podcasters through available low-cost and free solutions for recording video and audio from remote guests in this clip from his presentation at Streaming Media East Connect 2021.
Featured Articles, Posted 05 Jul 2021

What's Your Easy Remote Production Tool of Choice?

The gloves come off as ace remote producers Corey Behnke and Jef Kethley debate the best way to get multi-caller remote productions rolling--the power and flexibility of Sienna Unite, or the easy familiarity and it-just-works of Zoom? One thing undisputed: Remote production is here to stay.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Jun 2021

Pros and Cons of Zoom and Teams for Remote Production

Anthony Burokas of Stream4us discusses the limitations of using business chat apps such as Zoom, Teams, and Skype in pro live production--such as the inability to correct color or edit isolated audio tracks--and recommends ways to circumvent those limitations in this clip from his presentation at Streaming Media East Connect 2021.
Featured Articles, Posted 28 Jun 2021

Adobe Premiere Pro Turns 30, Gets Facelift

Though the latest version of Premiere Pro introduced this week isn't a complete facelift, there are pretty dramatic changes during import and export, the bookends in every project. The changes are designed to simplify operation for new users and streamline workflows for all users.
Featured Articles, Posted 23 Jun 2021

Review: BirdDog PF120 Box Camera

Anthony Burokas of Stream4us looks at the hardware and software features of the BirdDog PF120 20X Zoom box camera--with special attention to BirdDog's new Colour Matrix panel--in a video review filmed (partly) using the camera.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Jun 2021

Review: Teradek Airmix Solo

Airmix comes in two versions: the full-featured Airmix iOS video production suite ($29.99 per month), and the free Airmix Solo. This article will touch on some of the differentiating features of each version. We'll also explore how Airmix Solo works and how you can use it to elevate your live streams with minimal additional investment.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Jun 2021

Streaming the North Texas Irish Festival: A Cloud Production Case Study

In interviews with two fellow producers on the all-virtual 2021 North Texas Irish Festival, a multichannel event combining six concurrent live feeds, produced in the cloud using vMix and AWS, Anthony Burokas provides a look inside a complex cloud production, including challenges and lessons learned.
Featured Articles, Posted 08 Jun 2021

How to Give Live Streaming Viewers a Reason to Watch

7 Cinematics' Adam Paul discusses how to take a craft approach to large-scale live music streaming, that emphasizes creativity, engagement, and the way fans experience music, and minimizes gear requirements in this clip from a streaming-at-scale panel at Streaming Media East 2021.
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Jun 2021

Tech Check Checklist for Remote Production

Stream4us' Anthony Burokas discusses the importance of putting remote guests for pro productions through a detailed tech check before show day, to make sure they look and sound their best and can identify and address any issues well in advance of going live.
Featured Articles, Posted 02 Jun 2021

How to Simplify Complex Remote Productions With NDI, Microsoft Teams, and vMix

At present, Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business are the only two videoconferencing apps that support NDI. We have built our remote streaming solutions around Teams. Here's how it works.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 May 2021

When to Ditch the Webcam

I produce most of my live training with a webcam because the quality delta between a webcam and other options is negligible when presented in postage-stamp-sized videos. But what setup should you use for a really important conference or a call that will be distributed to many viewers live or on demand? That's where things get interesting.
Featured Articles, Posted 19 May 2021

Managing Inputs And Outputs For Video Conferencing Platforms and Webcasts

The target audience for this article is anyone who is interested in knowing what gear and skill sets are required to produce a virtual live-stream event and experience.
Featured Articles, Posted 18 May 2021

How to Produce Remote Interviews With Telestream Rendezvous in Wirecast 14.1

Through its Rendezvous feature, Tele­stream's Wirecast was one of the first video mixers to enable completely customizable multiple-party conferencing in 2017. Telestream has upgraded the feature's functionality in several subtle but critical ways, which I'll discuss in this article.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 May 2021

Going Pro with Remote Production

You're here. The guests are there. The audience is everywhere else. Here is an article that's chock-full of tips, tricks, and links for making it all come together in your latest remote production.
Featured Articles, Posted 10 May 2021

State-of-the-Art Streaming at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue

Blake Martin of Manhattan's Saint Thomas Church discusses "Project Gabriel," the church's recently implemented integrated 4K multicam capture and streaming solution, featuring 11 mounted Panasonic PTZ cameras and developed in collaboration with Iconoscope Productions' James Sapione.
Featured Articles, Posted 04 May 2021

Review: Epiphan Pearl Nano

Epiphan's Pearl Nano ($1,495) provides an outstanding feature set in a polished hardware and software package, and it should be a strong candidate for those who are seeking a hardware encoder for lecture or interview capture or any of the other use cases the product supports.
Featured Articles, Posted 26 Apr 2021

Using SRT to Enhance Remote Production Quality

Epiphan's George Herbert describes how Epiphan uses SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) and remote contribution encoders with multiple remote guests to upgrade streaming quality substantially over what Zoom provides in this clip from his presentation at Streaming Media Connect 2021.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 Apr 2021

Hovercast's Eli Stonberg Talks Gamified Virtual Events for Causes, Campaigns, and Brands

Hovercast CEO Eli Stonberg discusses how political campaigns and brands use Hovercast's innovative interactive streaming platform and service to bring gamification and engaging, creative lean-forward experiences for fund- and awareness-raising events and more in this interview with Streaming Media Producer Editor Steve Nathans-Kelly.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Apr 2021

How to Create a Screencam-Based Video Lesson

Your guide to the best gear, strategies, and techniques for creating video lessons for work or school
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Apr 2021

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