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How to Brand Your Online Videos

Successfully implementing branding in online video means making sure every video you produce accurately reflects and advances your company's or client's brand identity at each stage of the production process, as well as in your production style. This article explains how and when to pay attention to branding in your productions.


We’ll wrap up with postproduction. This is where you really start to see your online video come to life. The sequencing and timing of footage, music, graphics and transitions establish the heartbeat of your story. Figures 4 and 5 offer examples of graphic treatments and how they contribute to each production.

Figure 4 (below) is from the YouTube series “Kid President,” produced by Soul Pancake, whose goal is to spread positive and inspirational content. Note that the graphic they use is fun, young and looks like a kid’s handwriting.

Figure 4. The kid’s handwriting graphic underscores the vibe of “Kid President” videos. Click the image to see it at full size.

Figure 5 (below) shows an example from a corporate video that appears official and clean. The capital letters really stand out to the viewer. All of the examples complement their brand with the use of graphics and the aesthetics work well together.

Figure 5. Typography in this corporate video conveys a completely different effect that fits the tone of the video. Click the image to see it at full size.

Distribution Strategy

One of the last steps of online video marketing is distribution strategy. Where is your video going to live? How will you distribute it to your audience? Many brands fail by using a “set it and forget it” model with online video. It’s critical to understand how video platforms and online video communities work. Do you have someone who can respond to questions and comments? Online audiences expect engagement.

Interpreting Analytics

Last but definitely not least is the topic of analytics. Reviewing your metrics is crucial to continuing a strong online video strategy. Views are important, but perhaps even more important are stats like video drop-off rates, average time watched, geographic locations and the number of shares. Use these metrics to create future content and make informed decisions about delivery platforms.

Online video--just like everything else in marketing--is not static. The production process is key to making your brand look its best while distribution, marketing, and analytics reporting offer important insights that will help shape your future direction.


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