Tutorial: Applying Effects and Adjustments to Multiple Clips in Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Repetitive tasks are part of video editing, but they don't have to be tedious in Adobe Premiere Pro CC if you use one of the multiple techniques described in this tutorial.
As we all know, many editing jobs include lots of repetitive actions. Here are some ways that Adobe Premiere Pro CC lets you speed through this tedium.
We’re going to look at two different projects: a video shoot and a webinar. We’ll start with the webinar.
Applying Adjustments and Effects from One Clip to Others on the Timeline Using Paste Attributes
Figure 1 (below) shows my webinar. There are three components, composited together: Slides (32 of them) in V3. The speaker video in V4, and titles in V5.

Figure 1. The webinar in the Premiere Pro timeline. (To see this, or any other screenshot in the article, at full size, click on the image.)
Figure 2 (below) shows the positioning that I want in the first slide.

Figure 2. My desired positioning for Slide 1.
When Premiere Pro imported the images, it scaled them to full size and placed them in the middle of the screen, as shown in Figure 3 (below). But where I want the slides to appear is where you see them in Figure 2, where the presenter video isn’t obscuring them.

Figure 3. Where the images landed on import.
Now I’ve got to get the adjustment I made to the Motion control in Figure 2 over to all other 31 slides. There are a couple of different ways to do it. The easiest way is to select the source clip, and then choose Edit > Copy, and then select all the targets and choose Edit > Paste Attributes (Figure 4, below).

Figure 4. Pasting the Attributes (applied effects and their parameters) from one clip to all selected clips.
In the Paste Attributes panel, Premiere Pro will show you all the adjustments that have been made to the fixed effects (Motion, Opacity, and Time Remapping), and any other effects that you’ve applied to the clip will be listed in the Effects box, as shown in Figure 5 (below).

Figure 5. The Paste Attributes panel for Slide 1.
For example, in the speaker video, I adjusted the motion to move it to the right. I cropped it, and I adjusted the Brightness and Contrast a bit. So if I copy and paste attributes from the speaker video, the Paste Attributes panel will appear as it does in Figure 6 (below), with all the adjustments made and all the effects applied that you can choose to (or choose not to) apply to the target clip(s) by selecting or deselecting the adjacent checkboxes.

Figure 6. The Paste Attributes panel for the speaker video.
So if I select Slide 1, choose Edit > Copy and Paste Attributes, with Slides 2-32 selected, and press OK, all my slides will appear in the composited view I want, as shown in Figure 7 (below). The slides that used to be centered are now in the right position.

Figure 7. My desired slide-and-speaker positioning this presentation is now in place for all slides.
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