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Tutorial: Working With the New Titling Tools in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Jan Ozer explores the new titling tools in Premiere Pro CC 2018, and explains how to create titles from scratch and work with title templates provided in Premiere Pro and imported from Adobe After Effects via the new Essential Graphics panel.

Working With Premiere Pro’s Motion Graphics Templates

Let's look at templates quickly because you'll probably want to use those as well. Figure 14 (below) shows the templates that come with Creative Cloud 2018, and the various folders that contain them.

Figure 14. Templates that come with Premiere Pro CC 2018

In Figure 14 you see Captions and Subtitles, Graphics Overlays, Credits, and Titles. There are two type of Title templates that you need to be aware of. One is the Premiere Pro Motion Graphics, which is what we just created and what these are. The other, which we'll look at in a moment, are titles created in After Effects that are imported into Premiere Pro. We'll see what the difference is in a moment.

Figure 15 (below) a good intro title. When you drag it into the timeline, you see when you click it that it shows up in the Essential Graphics panel. All of the components are editable as with the title we created, so if you want to change the font, if you want to change the font size, if you want to change the positioning you can do all that with this particular title. Then obviously you can add the titles in front of the various sections and do the same as well.

Figure 15. An editable intro title

Working With Motion Graphics Titles Imported From After Effects

So those are the Premiere Pro titles. They're native to Premiere Pro. Now let's take a look at the titles that are created in After Effects and then imported into Premiere Pro (which takes a few moments after you choose the template you want and drag it into the timeline).

When you select an After Effects template in the timeline, like the one shown in Figure 16 (below), you’ll see that while the text and color are fully editable, we change that over here, you don't get full access to the text adjustments and the positioning adjustments that we saw before.

Figure 16. Editable elements for After Effects Essential Graphics title templates

You've really got to work within the template that was created in After Effects. These are very convenient to use, obviously a lot more visually complex, but you don't get the editability with those templates that you do with a motion graphics template that was created in Premiere Pro itself.

Hopefully now you'll feel a lot better about using the new title tools in Premiere Pro. It really does make a lot of sense what they've done with it and it’s just as easy to use as the old title tool once you learn the basics.

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