5 Ways To Use an iPad in Video Production
While iPads may not be on the cutting edge of tech circles these days, the iPad is still a valuable video production tool. Here are five ways that we use the iPad in video shoots.
One of the more popular ways to use an iPad in video production is as a teleprompter. I could not leave this one out, because it has seriously changed the way we work. Not only has upgrading to this kind of a setup saved our company money; it also maximizes our clients’ budget because they don’t have to pay for an expensive prompter system. I’ve found it much easier to sell a client on the idea of a teleprompter in this kind of a setup versus the old days of having a large station that required a dedicated teleprompter operator.
Systems like those built by Prompter People (Figure 4, below) are game changers. The tool works by connecting your tripod to the frame of the teleprompter system. Your camera then records video through beamsplitter glass, while the iPad sits in a tray that reflects your script onto a display for the talent. There are several apps that cost less than $10 (USD), which you can use to mirror your script.

Figure 4. PrompterPeople Flex iPad. Click the image to see it at full size.
This setup is comparable to a true teleprompter system, minus the robust setup and extra crew. Again, I can’t stress enough how using the iPad in this situation has upped our production value.
Post and Distribution
One final tip I can share is often an overlooked one. Your iPad or tablets can also help with your post-production workflows. Many of us travel for productions. Many times, I’ve found it difficult to afford the luxury of having a large monitor to bring along. Therefore, I’ve been forced to edit video on laptops that don’t offer a lot of real estate with video editing software.
Expand your display by using the iPad as an external monitor. Apps like Air Display (Figure 5, below) allow you to use the iPad as a second screen. This works across both Macs and PCs and is available through app stores.

Figure 5. Avatron’s Air Display turns your iPad into an external monitor for your Mac or PC. Click the image to see it at full size.
Check out this tutorial [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UJnrutkHbk&feature=youtu.be] to see how Air Display works.
In a nutshell, Air Display works over WiFi and doesn’t require you to run any cables. I find it useful to have notes or email open on the tablet screen, so that way I have the full laptop for my video applications. It’s not a perfect scenario, but it has been extremely nice to run this setup when we’ve been on the road and have a quick turnaround.
There are several other ways to use those old tablets on set. Try searching for other video and film tools through the app stores to see what’s available. I’m sure you’ll find many ways to add these devices to your equipment kit. After all, chances are that you or a family member already has a tablet lying around!