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HD Camcorders for Webcasting

The requirements of a professional video camera for live-switching and webcasting can be different than in other markets, but ultimately I am looking for a video camera that both outperforms other camcorders in its class and costs less than you would expect it to.

A Mid-sized Sensor Solution: The Sony PXW-X70

Fortunately, there are options that exist between 1/2" sensor sizes and the much larger APS-C and Super35mm sensor sizes that offer image quality improvements but without the zoom lens limitations of a large-sensor camera. Most of the offerings are DSRL/DSLT cameras based around MFT mounts. These include the Panasonic GH4 and a few models in the Blackmagic lineup, including the Blackmagic Studio Camera.

The Studio Camera pairs nicely with Blackmagic’s ATEM switchers, but also needs to be paired with an external recorder--as a studio camera, it lacks the ability to record to an internal codec.

You have to go back to Sony to find a camcorder with a medium-sized sensor. The $2,299 Sony PXW-X70 XDCAM compact camcorder (Figure 4, below, left) has a 1" sensor that offers the best value proposition for professional camcorders being used for webcasting and live switching today. It has all the features you look for in a professional webcasting camera, and Sony even plans on offering a 4K firmware upgrade path later this year, similar to what is currently available on the Sony FDR-AX100 consumer version of this professional camcorder.

Figure 4. The Sony PXW-X70 (left) and the Canon XA20 (right). Click the image to see it at full size.

In my own business, I currently own and operate four different video cameras. In my next article I will review the latest (and currently only) camcorder that I use in my business, the Sony PXW-X70.

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Unlike most camcorders in its price range (MSRP $1,999) and compact form fact, the Sony PXW-X70 boasts solid sensor size (1") and a host of other pro features, including dual XLR audio inputs, dual recording slots, 3 ND filters, a full-size HDMI output, 3G HD-SDI output, and NFC and wireless LAN control, along with future upgrading to 4K UHD internal recording.