Tutorial: Great Grouping--Sync Links in Vegas Pro 11
Sync Linking is a cool new feature in Sony Vegas Pro 11 that allows you to group clips of events and move and control them in the timeline with a single Master clip, while still being able to fine-tune subordinate clips within the group.
Welcome to the second tutorial in our series on the new features in Sony Vegas Pro 11. The new feature we'll discuss in this tutorial builds on a popular feature that Vegas Pro users have enjoyed for years. You've always had the ability to group events together so that when you move one event in the Vegas Pro timeline, you move them all. 11 adds a new feature called Sync Link that takes that capability even further.
Grouping in Vegas Pro
Sync Link is nothing more than a specialized type of grouping. For those new to this element of the Vegas Pro arsenal, grouping is a basic technique in Vegas in which multiple clips or events can be grouped and contained together so that when one event is moved on the timeline, all the other events that are members of the group will follow suit.
In the timeline shown in Figure 1, we have one long event and 3 shorter events that we want to keep in sync with this one grouping.

Figure 1. We'll build our event from 4 clips in this timeline.
Press Control-A to select all events, and G to group them. Figure 2 shows our basic group. No matter how we move this group of around, all the events stay in sync, no matter which event we choose.

Figure 2. The blur in the image shows the events move together.
If you're following along with clips in your own timeline, Undo so that you have independent events again.
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