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We are pleased to make the content from and Streaming Media magazine available via RSS to provide our readers with another way to keep up to date on the information they need to make decisions about streaming media and online video. Stream our feeds to your Web site or desktop aggregator for an automatically updated list of our latest stories or those you select based on popularity, subject matter, or other criteria.

How To Use the Feeds
Clicking on the links below will bring you to the FeedBurner Website, where you can select from a variety of Web-based news readers. You will also find a link there for the raw XML feed file if you prefer to use a different RSS solution.  (Check this list of RSS news readers from the Open Directory Project -


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Terms of Use
These feeds are free and available to the public; however, we ask that if you display our content on a Web site that you source it back to us with a link ( and/or Streaming Media logo [download logo]. We reserve the right to request that a site remove a feed if we feel it is being used inappropriately.

If you have any questions about these feeds, please contact's webmaster.