Streaming Media East 2009
The Business & Technology Of Online Video
May 12-13, 2009 - (Preconference Workshops: Monday, May 11)
New York Hilton Midtown • New York, NY
Monday, May 11 Tuesday, May 12 Wednesday, May 13

Pre-Conference - Monday, May 11

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
SM1: Live Broadcasting for Silverlight and Windows Media Player
This session will cover the end-to-end steps required to encode, manage, and deliver live streaming broadcasts with Silverlight. Learn how to plan the production workflow and organize your Windows Server infrastructure, as well as when to target Silverlight or Windows Media Player. The session will also address such topics as server-side playlists, configuring proxy servers for intranet delivery, distributing your live broadcast via a CDN, techniques for archiving and distributing the event on-demand, and digital rights management.
Speaker: , Chief Evangelist, Panopto

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SM2: Encoding H.264 Video for Streaming and Progressive Download
This seminar focuses on producing H.264 video for streaming or progressive download. It will start with a deep look at key H.264 encoding
parameters like B-frames, profiles, and levels, and how to customize encoding parameters for distributing via QuickTime and Flash. After detailing how to operate the H.264-related encoding parameters in tools from Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, Sorenson, and Telestream, it will then provide a brief overview of the respective quality output of these tools. You’ll learn how your encoding tool compares in terms of quality and configurability, as well as how to configure your encoding tool for maximum H.264 quality.
Speaker: , Owner, Streaming Learning Center

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1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
SM3: Developing a Rich Video Player for the Adobe Flash Platform
Learn to deliver the best video experience by understanding the fundamental parts of building a great video player for Flash. Discover how to start from scratch to get the most custom and stable experience possible. Using ActionScript 3 with Adobe Flash CS4 Professional and Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5, you will learn how to develop for dynamic streaming and enhanced seeking while utilizing new quality of service metrics in Flash Player 10.  You will also learn tips and tricks on how to encode multi-bitrate video for both live and VOD. Finally, we’ll show you how to put all this together and integrate with a content delivery network that can help you get up and running quickly and scale to meet your business needs.
Speaker: , Web Video Consultant,

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SM4: Planning, Building, and Launching a Video Blog
This hands-on workshop will cover the basics of planning, building, and launching a video blog. Whether you are an individual or part of a large corporation, you will learn the power of user-generated content tools for capturing, editing, and sharing video online. Attendees will get a chance to participate as we launch our own video blog during the workshop. We will cover easy-to-use video capture devices, basic video editing tools, and online distribution platforms for your video blog.
Speaker: , President, Flavor, Inc.

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Tuesday, May 12

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Welcome & Keynote
, CEO, Akamai

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9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
, SVP, Video and Broadcast, Global Marketing & Corporate Affairs, Bank of America, Knowledge Channel

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10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
A101: Bridging TV and Broadband and Cutting the Cable
Streaming sites like Hulu, CBS, ABC, and others have proven that savvy audiences are turning to their computers for entertainment, and in a way that’s profitable. How are traditional and cutting-edge companies capitalizing on this trend? In addition to providing the content, how are they taking advantage of this “connected” platform as they deliver content? And finally, how will this affect cable companies that
are losing subscribers to this new content source?
Moderator: , Senior Editor, All Things Digital
Speaker: , VP, Product, Sling Media
Speaker: , EVP, Chief Revenue Officer,
Speaker: , CEO, Boxee
Speaker: , VP, WatchESPN & ESPN3
B101: Live Broadcasting Over Mobile and Wi-Fi Networks
While big media tests the waters of mobile broadcasting, many web video producers are already out there doing it live from the street with cell phones. Others are joining in and experimenting with two-way broadcasts via streaming video over cell phone networks and via Wi-Fi. Viewers can chat while the broadcast is going on and affect—and sometimes even direct—the content being produced. Steve Garfield will
talk with other pioneers in the live mobile broadcasting space about their experiences at the forefront of this new technology for sharing their stories over the web.
Moderator: , Mobile Video Journalist,
Speaker: , Co-Founder,
Speaker: , Co-Founder, CEO, Livestream
C101: Microsoft Smooth Streaming: Delivering HD-Quality Video Over HTTP
This session will cover the end-to-end steps required to encode, manage, and deliver media content over HTTP to Silverlight using Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. Learn how to plan the Smooth Streaming production workflow, as well as best practices for encoding your content and tweaking the switching logic to deliver true high definition 720p video. Additional topics will include upcoming IIS media features.
Speaker: , Senior Product Manager Silverlight, Microsoft

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11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A102: Making Effective Online Video for Education
The tools for making video are becoming increasingly accessible and easy-to-use. But when it comes to providing quality education, simply making video is not enough. To be truly useful, video must not detract from the content, and ideally should enhance it. In this panel, experts in the field will discuss methods and tips for producing programs that make the most of online video’s advantages in order
to create a better learning experience.
Moderator: , Director of Curriculum Support, School of Communication, Northwestern University
Speaker: , CEO/CSO, Contributing Editor, Streaming Media Magazine, High Park Media, LLC
Speaker: , Assistant Professor, Technical Communications and Media Production, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Speaker: , Software Architect, Carnegie Mellon University
B102: How Do Broadband Network Operators Currently View P2P?
Peer-to-peer (P2P) technology continues to be a topic of intense controversy in the streaming media industry. Will the efficiencies that P2P promises be realized, or will complications in fulfilling this vision prevent P2P from realizing its full potential? Which of the many P2P, peer-assisted, hybrid CDN, and cloud computing entrants will be most successful? What other attractive new CDN architectures are emerging? These and many other questions will be addressed in this interactive session.
Moderator: , CEO, DCIA
Speaker: , Vice President, GM, Comcast Wholesale
Speaker: , Director, Online Media Technology, Verizon Communications
Speaker: , CEO, Abacast
Speaker: , VP, Business Development, Velocix
C102: Streaming Production: Improving Your Video Quality
You’ve got the video production basics down pat, but you’re still concerned that somehow your streaming quality just doesn’t measure up. From camera selection to choosing an encoding tool and encoding parameters, streaming consultant Jan Ozer details the most common production pitfalls that unnecessarily degrade streaming quality. Come learn at least three or four ways to make your video look better.
Speaker: , Owner, Streaming Learning Center

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1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
A103: Online Video and Set-Top Boxes
The advent of a lean-back online video browsing experience with a content selection that rivals cable television is not far off, and its mainstream adoption will mark an inflection point for internet video. A once vertically integrated business is now open and innovating at all levels, from hardware design to interface to content acquisition. Panelists will share their visions for the future of lean-back video browsing and discuss the nature of relationships with content providers and interface/box owners.
Moderator: , Strategic Accounts Lead, Pixability
Speaker: , SVP, GM, Content and Media Sales, TiVo
Speaker: , VP, Interactive Television, Showtime
Speaker: , Senior Director, Strategy and Business Development, Motorola
Speaker: , Director, Product Development and Management, Video Services
B103: Monetizing Long-Form Video
Everyone has heard about ways that online video can be monetized, but has anyone ever heard an actual case study depicting success in video monetization? With the rise of Hulu and major syndication deals making long-form video more prominent, if not prolific, online what is working today for content owners and portals that want to monetize this format? This session will show actual success stories with actionable takeaways, as well as a discussion of what the future holds for the success of long-form content.
Moderator: , Managing Partner, WIT Strategy
Speaker: , CEO, Revision3
Speaker: , SVP, Media Sales, NHL
Speaker: , CEO, Canvas Technology
Speaker: , Director, Interactive Marketing, WWE
C103: Content Production for the Web
If the sitcom and miniseries were the unique genres of broadcast TV, what will the new online TV look like? What will appeal to audiences and get them to come back again and again? What is the relationship between the audience and the new forms of online video? This session provides a showcase for the talent creating this new medium and showcases the evolution of original online programming and the tools available to help content creators engage their audiences.
Moderator: , CMO, Revry
Speaker: , Co-Founder, Head of Entertainment, Next New Networks
Speaker: , VP, Creative Director, Digitas/The Third Act
Speaker: , VP, Strategy and Development, MTV Digital
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
A104: Demo: Compelling Video Advertising Campaigns
How can content companies and ad agencies create the most compelling video ads? What is the best way to leverage the brand awareness and interactivity that online video advertising has to offer? This session will focus on the creative side of online video advertising and will teach you some best-practices for creating the right content that's best suited for online viewing. Come see firsthand examples of some of the most creative and successful online video campaigns running today.
Moderator: , CMO, Norsk
Speaker: , Chief Media Officer, Outcast
Speaker: , Principal, Executive Creative Director, Beeby Clark + Meyler
Speaker: , CEO, Zugara
B104: Using Metadata to Better Engage Your Audience
Connecting people to your content is tough without good metadata. Tags, titles, keywords, description; the more you have, the better. But where do you get this information and how do you take advantage of it? What is the best approach? In this panel, experts from the leading metadata providers and content owners discuss approaches to metadata management and how these systems drive increased views and longer viewing times.
Moderator: , Director, Technical Operations, ScreenPlay
Speaker: , President, Baseline Studiosystems
Speaker: , VP, Vertical Marketing, Macrovision Solutions
C104: Media Framework: Video Publishing Platforms
A number of vendors offer video publishing platforms, but the features and functionality—not to mention cost—vary widely. Some vendors focus their solutions on content management and monetization, while others are geared towards enabling syndication and interactive advertising campaigns. Adding to the confusion is the fact that different platform vendors have different metrics for billing, and costs rise as content owners become more successful. This session will lay the groundwork for content owners to better understand what type of publishing platform they need and what they should expect to pay for managing content.
Moderator: , VP, Infrastructure, Technical Operations, Veoh Networks
Speaker: , CEO, Founder, Twistage, Inc.
Speaker: , Director, Ad Products and Technology Partnerships, Brightcove
Speaker: , Director, U.S. Video and Audio Products, Associated Press
Speaker: , Founder, Rocketboom & Know Your Meme
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A105: CDN Research Data: Market Sizing and Pricing Trends
This session will present the latest data on the current revenues for the video content delivery market as well as expected growth forecasts relevant to both a poor and a robust economy. Attendees also will learn the current pricing points for video delivery services and hear about the market drivers and trends that will determine what customers pay for video delivery services in the future.
Speaker: , Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition
B105: Tools and Best Practices for Enterprise Streaming Media
This session will bring together four frontline streaming media professionals to discuss their favorite toolsets and techniques for producing enterprise communications and training content. The emphasis will be on in-house production with “off-the-shelf” tools and apps, rather than turnkey or outsourced solutions. What works and what should be avoided? What is the best way to maximize your budget? How can you leverage existing infrastructure already inside your organization?
Moderator: , Founder, VBrick Systems
Speaker: , Director Internal Communications, MetLife
Speaker: , Sr. Streaming Media Specialist, Freddie Mac
Speaker: , Enterprise Technology Programs Manager, Lockheed Martin
Speaker: , Associate Director, Webcasts, Podcasts, EY
C105: Successful Content Syndication and Aggregation Strategies
This panel will discuss the new ways content owners and site developers are aggregating content and distributing it on the web. See examples of ways to develop niche vertical sites without significantly expanding staffing, and discuss how to reach audiences on social networking sites such as Facebook. Learn about some of the new emerging platforms for niche video distribution and best practices
for increasing your chances of making money with your content.
Moderator: , Partner, Davis Shapiro Lewit & Hayes, LLP
Speaker: , President, Hilltop Digital
Speaker: , Senior Product Manager,
Speaker: , CEO, Comedy Time
Speaker: , CEO, Saavn

Wednesday, May 13

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Welcome & Keynote
, Director, Product Development and Management, Video Services
9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
, CEO, Boxee
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
A201: Video for Distance Learning and Classroom Training
Educational institutions have long been testing grounds for technological breakthroughs that change how we work and learn. Learn how educational institutions are using streaming today, and how business organizations can take a cue from them by using streaming technology to enhance distance learning and corporate training initiatives. Hear firsthand examples of how streaming media technology is supporting classroom learning and providing distance learning, as well as examples of hybrid models that offer the best of both.
Moderator: , Manager, Desktop Video, Wells Fargo Video Network
Speaker: , Director, Technology Services, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University
Speaker: , Technology Analyst, The University of Toledo
Speaker: , VP, Higher Education, Mediasite
Speaker: , CTS, Columbia Business School, ITG
B201: Implementing Flash Video DVR Functionality for Live Broadcasts
From the Olympics to the recent elections, consumers are increasingly demanding online, live HD-quality video with interactive experiences. This session will show real-world examples of content distributors using Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5 and Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3 to stream live sporting events with DVR functionality. The session will also cover the workflow for creating the live event,
adding DVR options, and archiving it for video on demand.
Speaker: , Sr. Product Manager, Adobe
C201: Best Practices: Marketing Video for Multiplatform Delivery
With the amazing consumer adoption of the iPhone and advanced smartphones, marketers today aren't just creating video for one screen-they are creating for up to four! What are best practices in the marketing and PR video for multiplatform delivery, and how can marketers make the most of the rapidly expanding mobile market? Case studies featuring best practices will be featured alongside new campaigns that throw the traditional marketing playbook out!
Speaker: , Account Planning Director, Razorfish
Speaker: , VP, Brand Advertising and Partnerships, MobiTV
Speaker: , Director of Video, ADTECH
Speaker: , VP, Digital Media, Reality Digital
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A202: Automation and Workflow Solutions for Transcoding Your Video Content
While video consumption and distribution has grown exponentially in the past few years, converting and preparing this content for the digital realm was largely a “black art” until recently, when several enterprise-grade solutions came onto the market. In this session, we’ll identify those solutions, talk to some organizations that are utilizing them, and discuss cost and benefit to enterprises large and small.
From high definition to mobile, this session will talk through the hardware, software, experience and cost associated with owning and operating these new sophisticated systems.
Moderator: , Executive Director, Business Development & Strategy, Comcast Technology Solutions
Speaker: , Video Service Delivery Lead, Accenture
Speaker: , Sr. Product Manager, Yahoo CDN
Speaker: , Director, Technology Services, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University
Speaker: , Lead Engineer, Video, Facebook
B202: Reinventing the Ad Model Through Discovery and Targeting
While advertising has emerged as the primary business model for broadband video, it remains relatively immature. Key constraints include users’ inability to find the videos they seek and limitations on targeting ads against particular content. This panel will explore how industry participants are addressing these challenges and starting to show results. Come hear the factors that are affecting the current business models for online video advertising and the hurdles that need to be overcome to truly allow content to be monetized on the web.
Moderator: , Director, Ad Operations, Flixster
Speaker: , SVP, Digital Media Sales, NBC Universal
Speaker: , Head Of Sales, FreeWheel
Speaker: , VP, Strategic Product Development, Turner Broadcasting
Speaker: , VP, Product, Metacafe
C202: The Impact of Broadband-Enabled TVs, Gaming Consoles and Devices
With the influx of new devices, consumers no longer rely on just the PC for their online video consumption. With the number of new broadband-enabled TVs and Blu-ray players expected to be sold, along with devices such as the Xbox, Roku, TiVo, and PS3, consumers now have many ways to get their video fix. So what are the new business models that will be created from these new devices? What hurdles need to be overcome so that content can be monetized for multiple platforms? Explore with this panel the role of current consumer entertainment devices in this new convergent world and how these devices will play together to offer a superior video experience.
Moderator: , Deputy Editor, The Business Insider
Speaker: , Director, Product Development, LG Electronics USA
Speaker: , CEO, Related Content Database, RCDb
Speaker: , Director, Covington Associates
1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
A203: Cost Savings From Enterprise Streaming
With all eyes focused on the economy, the question remains: How will the downturn impact streaming adoption in the corporate sector? Years of conclusive statistics show the ability to use streaming to offset travel costs, outsourced services costs, outsourced production costs, and the opportunity costs of removing employees from the office for meetings, and organizations have never been in a better position to showcase the ROI of their online communications programs. This session will feature firsthand examples from Fortune 500 organizations of how corporations save money by using streaming to support core communications, training, and educational programs.
Moderator: , VP/GM, Video Content Management, Polycom
Speaker: , Senior Digital Content and Media Engineer, CME Group
Speaker: , Director, Credit Suisse Securities
Speaker: , President, CEO, The FeedRoom
Speaker: , Multimedia Services Manager, Medco
B203: Live Broadcasts and HD Video: Can Web Video Ever Scale to TV-Sized Audiences?
Last year we saw a big uptick in the number of high-profile, large-scale live events on the web. Most weren’t offered in HD, and the debate still remains whether the internet is even capable of supporting live events with the kind of traffic seen from TV broadcasts. We’ll explore this discussion from all angles—technology, infrastructure, and quality—to get a feel for what the barriers are and when we can expect to see more large-scale live events delivered in HD.
Moderator: , Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition
Speaker: , VP, Content and Media, Level 3 Communications, LLC
Speaker: , CEO, Move Networks
Speaker: , SVP,
Speaker: , VP, Technology,
C203: New Advertising Platforms and Networks
Despite all the talk about how well online video advertising works and the projections that it will be a billion-dollar business this year, the fact remains that many video advertising platforms still leave a lot to be desired. In the past year, new ad platforms and networks have come to the market looking to solve problems such as targeting, analytics, syndication, and inventory management among others. This
special session will feature demos from some new companies that will give you an insight into how these companies are looking to take content monetization to the next level.
Moderator: , Senior Editor,
Speaker: , CEO, Co-Founder, Inc.
Speaker: , VP, Business Development, YuMe
Speaker: , President, Panache
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
A204: How Old Media Is Embracing Online Video and New Media
This session will discuss how converging media technologies are redefining traditional distribution methods, how interactive and on-demand services are changing, and how entertainment and news video is being consumed. Come hear from some of the leading publishers, broadcasters, and advertisers about the impact that video and new media is having on their business models.
Moderator: , GM, Executive Editor of Multimedia, Huffington Post
Speaker: , Multimedia Director,
Speaker: , Director, Business News, CNN
Speaker: , Multimedia Director, Time Magazine
Speaker: , Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer of News Digital, Turner Ad Sales, Great Big Story


Paul Sagan
Gregg Moss
SVP, Video and Broadcast, Global Marketing & Corporate Affairs
Bank of America, Knowledge Channel
Joe Ambeault
Director, Product Development and Management
Video Services
Avner Ronen

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