May 10-11, 2016 | New York Hilton Midtown

Enterprise & Education

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

D101 - How To: Encoding Live and On-Demand Video Using HEVC

This session explores the current status of HEVC, including an update on the proposed royalty terms and status of High Dynamic Range Specifications, and the status of competitive technologies such as PERSEUS, VP9, and the codec from the Alliance for Open Media. The presentation then examines who’s using HEVC in 2016 and for which type of applications. The session concludes by presenting the key similarities and differences between H.264 and H.265, and techniques for optimizing the quality of HEVC encoding, particularly for those using the x265 codec.

Jan Ozer, Owner - Streaming Learning Center
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

DT102 - Discovery Track

Orah: Live VR Made Simple
11:45 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.

Thanks to their experience serving over 1500 production houses as customers in 50 countries, VideoStitch, the pioneer in live VR video production, has developed an integrated solution to capture, stitch, and live stream VR content.

Nicolas Burtey, CEO - VideoStitch
Understanding & Managing Video Delivery Complexity
12:10 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

As video production and consumption increases within global enterprises, it has become imperative for IT departments to assess whether or not their networks are adaptable and controllable enough to accommodate the additional load and complexity. This presentation will discuss the latest network delivery technologies available, with a focus on those that best support the future evolution of video within the enterprise, including software-defined enterprise content delivery network (SD ECDN) technology, opportunistic multicast, and Web RTC.

Attend this session for your chance to win: Fitbit Fitness Tracker

Todd Johnson, President - Kollective Technology
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

C103 - Streaming Deployment Architectures in Higher Education

In attempts to facilitate new modes of teaching, such as online and flipped classrooms, the behind-the-scenes process of building a course has quickly changed. On-demand video portals, recording studios, and web-conference sessions are working their way into many universities. This session explores the workflow universities have developed to deliver their online and flipped classes, along with the tech they use to make it possible. This session highlights what schools have found to be successful, efficient technologies and highlight lessons learned.

Moderator: Chris Knowlton, Chief Evangelist - Panopto
Jermaine Wells, Coordinator, Learning Environments Services & Special Events - Union College
John First, Digital Media Specialist - Oak Hills Local School District
Derrick Freeman, Program Manager, Webcast Producer - The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Christopher Martin, Senior I.T. & Multimedia Manager - University of Pennsylvania
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

C104 - Increasing Content Engagement: The Holy Grail of Media Analytics

Content owners and distributors increasingly focus more around the engagement around content, than pure consumption of any one piece of content. Unique views are no longer the most important metric around media consumption. Increasing engagement with your audience is paramount to the success of the content business. What are big media companies doing to increase engagement from seconds into minutes and hours? What impact does engagement have upon content strategy? Join us for this panel produced by the Television Academy as we discuss and share valuable insights around the business of content engagement.

This panel is presented by the Interactive Media Peer Group of the Television Academy

Moderator: Mike Dube, Streaming Media Practice Owner - NPR
Nathan Phillips, Creative Collaborator - Google Labs
Rob Simmelkjaer, SVP - NBC Sports Group
Isaac Josephson, VP, Product Management, Apps and Emerging Technology - Viacom
Jonathan Dube, GM, Digital & Head of OTT Business - WME|IMG

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

A201 - Overcoming The Technical Challenges of Streaming Live Video

Touchdown! tweets your friend, but you haven't seen a completion yet watching the big game on your tablet. That's because your video stream has fallen behind clock time. This can be due to a number of factors that affect the timing of live video streams. Content processing, content delivery, buffering, decryption, decoding and other factors can cause video streams to get behind clock time. This panel will offer an insightful look at the factors that can affect the timing of streaming of live video. Learn how can you get video delivered effectively over the Internet and other operator's networks without incurring significant delay. You'll also hear about integrating video with social media and learn how to give your viewers a consistent user experience.

Moderator: Bruce Ross, Media Workflow Strategy - T2 Computing
Omer Luzzatti, Senior Director, Head of Video Platform - Yahoo
Jon Alexander, Senior Director, Product Management - Level 3 Communications
Diane Strutner, CEO & Co-Founder - Datazoom Women in Streaming Media
Allen Broome, VP, IP Video Engineering - Comcast

D201 - How To: Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Media Asset Management Deployment

This presentation presents an effectiveness model across 16 dimensions for measuring your effectiveness in media, digital, and video asset management. We look at what you need in addition to the right product to ensure the success of your deployment, and how to move from an ad hoc or formative state into a more operational and ultimately, an optimal one.

Theresa Regli, Director - Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

D202 - How To: Fine-Tuning Your Adaptive Encoding Groups With Objective Quality Metrics

Choosing the number of streams in an adaptive group and configuring them is usually a subjective, touchy-feely exercise, with no way to really gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of the streams. However, by measuring stream quality via metrics such as PSNR, SSIM, and VQM, you can precisely assess the quality delivered by each stream and its relevancy to the adaptive group. This session identifies several key objective quality metrics, teaches how to apply them, and provides an objective framework for analyzing which streams are absolutely required in your adaptive group and their optimal configuration.

Jan Ozer, Owner - Streaming Learning Center
1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

A203 - A Brand New Deal: The Thriving Evolution of Sponsored Content

Lately we’re seeing the rise of brand integration as a means to help fund content creation. Brands now have their own successful production studios, and companies like Yahoo have launched brand-integrated video series. This session will discuss what these and other content creators are doing to gain great audience traction with sponsored digital projects. Hear from original content leaders how brands can best integrate with entertaining video programming to tell a compelling story, proven strategies and partnerships to broaden audience reach, and ultimately how to bring together the consumer, brand, platform and idea to create a formula that works best.

Moderator: Dan Goodman, Co-Founder - Believe Entertainment Group
Ryan Daume, VP, Sales & Branded Entertainment - Studio71
Paul Kelly, Chief Partnerships Officer - AwesomenessTV
Drea Bernardi, Director of Video Programming - AOL Partner Studios

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