May 12-13, 2015 | New York Hilton Midtown

Dirk Van Dall

Dirk Van Dall
VP, Multimedia Strategy

Mr. Van Dall oversees multimedia technology development for baseball as well as various sports and entertainment partners at Major League Baseball Advanced Media. Trained as a director with a deep technical understanding of his craft, Mr. Van Dall rose to design the digital production environment for Showtime Networks.  He was subsequently tapped to lead technology for Broadway Video Digital Media, a Lorne Michaels company.  As a member of numerous advisory boards, Mr. Van Dall has championed technologies and public/ private partnerships in OTT video, security, digital archiving, artificial intelligence, and machine vision. His most recent project is the StatCast Player Tracking Initiative for Major League Baseball. StatCast records the metrics of every player of every game, illuminating nuances of the athletes and exciting fans of all ages. Mr. Van Dall is proud to be a new media pioneer at the confluence of streaming video, traditional storytelling, big data, and interactivity. 

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