Stanley Wong


Picture of Stanley WongStanley Wong is a Co-Founder & VP Marketing at DistroScale. As an early Yahoo! employee (41st), he spent nearly 8 years at the company establishing the foundations of Internet marketing including the first banner ad standards with the IAB, the first dynamic ad server, and the first data driven Internet behavioral targeting. Since Yahoo!, Stanley became a serial entrepreneur who went on to founding or contributing to a number of different early stage Internet ventures including BetterPPC (acquired by Tsavo Media), Search Physics (now known as Metavana), and BuySight (acquired by Aol).

As a cofounder of BuySight, Stanley was instrumental in conceiving and launching an all-inclusive solution for online retailers and brands by bringing the performance and measurability of search to display advertising.

Prior to co-founding DistroScale, Stanley was also the VP of Ad Products at Glam Media (now Mode Media) where he led and launched Glam’s initiatives in Mobile, Video, Social, and Content marketing platforms.

Streaming Media Connect August 2021