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For Enterprise Video Success, Know the Audience: Symantec

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Video is growing as an enterprise communication tool, so Symantec stopped by the recent Streaming Media East conference in New York City to show companies how to do it right. Focusing on live video, Greg Posten of SymantecTV said that knowing the audience is key.

"It's really easy to do live poorly. Anyone can do live poorly," Posten joked. "Doing live well is definitely a combination of good production techniques for sure: good camera, good audio. Those things are a given; you have to have that. But then looking at what your audience really is. For us, Symantec has 21,000 people globally, so it's a larger company. We also have a unique audience type: we have employees, we have our enterprise business-to-business market that we deal in, and we also have the very large consumer market."

Each of Symantec's three audiences requires different methods for video streaming.

"We really have three different audiences we need to broadcast to. Internally it's pretty easy: We use multicast so it's fairly easy to do," Posten said. "We also use a big CDN to attach to our remote workers through VPNs and things like that. That also gets us to our business-to-business folks, people who are going to come to our website and watch some kind of webcast or a product launch or something along those lines. Then we have our consumer audience, the fickle, wonderful consumer audience."

Streaming to consumers means being able to reach them on any device. Since Symantec wants more engagement and communication with consumers, videos include polls and chats.

For more on enterprise video strategies, watch the discussion below.


Content Management Strategies for Enterprise Content Platforms

With video rapidly growing as a medium for communication across all areas of the enterprise—marcomm, training, collaboration, compliance—how can you take advantage of your existing investments in content management, knowledge management, and search platforms to make video a first-class content asset? This panel will discuss and recommend best practices for helping ensure your videos can be found, shared, and watched in the right context and within the platforms already in use today.

Moderator: Tom Wilde, CEO, RAMP
Speaker: Greg Posten, Director, Visual Communications, GM, SymantecTV
Speaker: Scott Szczurek, Online Video Specialist, CME Group
Speaker: Jeff Hanley, Senior Manager, Digital Media, KLA Tencor

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